Let's be honest - the majority of women love a classic designer handbag. What we don't love? The price! When we see these beautifully crafted leather goods, I can tell you that my heart flutters and I just have to touch it. My mom says when I shop I have to touch everything and she's right. I just have to feel the soft pebbled leather on a bag or the thickness of a sweater.
I am a firm believer in investing in good bags. They will be with you for life and before you know it considered vintage.
I have found really amazing pieces on Vestaire Collective. This authentic, pre-owned luxury goods site provides bags, jewelry, and accessories of top designers at a much lower price - directly from the seller! You also have the option to not only buy but also sell luxury pieces with authentication guaranteed. Take a look below at the amazing Vestaire Collective provides!
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